6 November 2022, Oxford. Personal Issues Constellation Workshop with Galina.

To support you with whatever issue you choose to bring using the method of systemic constellations.

– We will use systemic constellations to set up and explore personal issues using group constellations, exercises and possibly rituals. Various constellation techniques will be used depending on the needs of the group.
– As an issue holder you will have an opportunity to do a constellation and look at your issue through systemic lens with the help of the group.
– As a representative you will be able to participate in everything apart from doing your own constellation. As all work tends to be deeply relevant for everyone present, attending as a representative can be as deeply healing as doing a constellation. Many people report representing being even more powerful than doing their own issue.
– We will create a safe, confidential, inclusive and respectful space for all of this to unfold.

– In my experience of this work each participant always receives exactly what they need in most fascinating and mysterious ways.
– Participants frequently report feeling lighter, better, stronger, calmer and more at peace.

Date: Sunday 6 November 2022
: 10:00-18:00 Doors will open at 9:30 for biscuits and tea.

Venue: Headington, Oxford
Fee: £120 issue holder,  £70 representative.
Issue holder spaces are limited to 4 with a possibility for 1 representative to be upgraded to an issue holder, if there is sufficient time left for a 5th constellation. (Paying the fee secures your place on the workshop.  A minimum of 1 week notice is required for a full refund of the fee.)
Group: Spaces are limited.
Contact: galina@galinavyday.com

If you feel called to join this workshop, please get in touch.


Your Healing Heals the World